To achieve success as a self-producing voiceover artist, you need to be much more than a good recording engineer. Do you have a great voice? Maybe you’re not the world’s best singer, but you might still have a good speaking voice. Couple that with a home studio, and you could consider a sideline as a self-producing […]
As voice-over actors, our vocal cords regularly get a hearty workout. But the same may not be true for the rest of our bodies. Even if we consistently schedule exercise into our off-work hours, it may not be enough to combat the effects of spending our days in a recording booth. Whether we sit all […]
Concept Of themes In Movies, Explained. What Is The Difference Between Major and Minor Themes? A major theme is an idea that a writer repeats in his literary work, making it the most significant idea in the work. A minor theme, on the other hand, refers to an idea that appears in a work briefly, giving way to another minor theme. […]
What Is Translation? Translation is a mental activity in which the meaning of given linguistic discourse is rendered from one language to another. According to Ghazala (1995), “translation is generally used to refer to all the processes and methods used to convey the meaning of the source language into the target language. What Are The Types Of Translation? There are […]
Dubbing used to be largely associated with low-budget martial arts films you’d find in the bargain bin of your local video shop – cheesy, badly put together and usually pretty terribly translated for good measure. These films, along with poorly dubbed spaghetti Westerns and South American soaps, gave rise to the term “too dubby”, which quickly became a […]