What Is The Dubbing King Software Used For?

Dubbing King is a comprehensive audio-visual translation (AVT) software. It is specifically developed to assist in (but not limited to) most of the stages in the dubbing process. Dubbing is a post-production process used in film-making and video production in which additional or supplementary recordings are “mixed” with original production sound to create the finished soundtrack. The Dubbing King software caters for  most of the activities carried out in the dubbing process. These include, subtitling or captioning, translation and voice-recording.

The Founder And Developer

The developer of The Dubbing King Software, Emmanuel Choka, is a holder of a degree in BTech (Computer Technology). Emmanuel is currently a director at Emmachev Technologies Limited

Emmanuel Choka

About Emmanuel Choka

Emmanuel developed The Dubbing King Software, which he made public in 2019. He is also responsible for its official site, https://dubbingking.com, as well as The Dubbing King Software Podcasts on Google Podcasts, and also on Apple Podcasts.

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