A Synopsis On Translation And Transcription Often you find people confuse these two words, translation and transcription. It might be because of the prefix that both words have, but the reality of things is that these two words are different. Translation is really a complex process that has rules and guidelines on how to do […]
What Is Translation? Translation is rendering words or text from one language into another. Translation is Important Because People Prefer Their Native Language. … Almost without exception, people respond better to the language they grew up speaking. To effectively sell to people, it’s not enough to speak a language that they understand (especially if their understanding […]
What Is The Difference Between A Production Company And A Freelancer? In its simplest sense, a freelancer or freelance videographer is usually an individual who is hired to perform a specific task such as recording with a camera. A video production company provide their own equipment, planning, supervision, customer interface, the actual recording, editing and anything else the […]
What Is Audio Transcription? Transcription is the transfer of information contained in recorded audio and video files into text form. There are different types of transcription with the most common being the verbatim and intelligent transcription. Transcription services are relevant but not limited to the medical, academic, legal, religious and business field. What is General […]
What is Time Code A time code is a series of numbers generated in a controlled sequence by a timing system. In a video and other recorded media a time code can be added to a recording in order to facilitate logging, synchronization, file and searching, etc. The camera assistant will typically log the start […]